Local SEO Ranking Factors for Your Clinic’s Google My Business

Written by Mario Didier | Head of Strategy

Local SEO strategy has become indispensable for healthcare organisations in the digital age. With the decline of traditional methods such as paper maps and Yellow Pages, digital local searches have taken precedence. Patients now predominantly rely on online platforms to find healthcare providers in their vicinity.

Key Local SEO Ranking Factors

Proximity, Prominence, and Relevance (PPR)

Proximity refers to the physical distance between a healthcare practice and the user conducting the search. Prominence is the measure of how well-known and reputable a practice is in its field. Relevance ensures that the services offered align with what the user seeks. Together, these three factors form the cornerstone of Google’s algorithm for local search, determining how a clinic ranks in local listings.

Google My Business (GMB) Optimization

The Google Business Profile (GMB) serves as a primary tool for healthcare marketers to engage with potential patients online. An optimised GMB not only influences rankings but is often the first point of contact for patients. Essential elements include an accurate address, operational hours, phone number, and a well-optimised location landing page. Additionally, FAQs, healthcare attributes, and positive reviews enhance the profile, capturing more attention and trust from potential patients.

Link Building for Local SEO

Inbound links, or backlinks, play a pivotal role in determining a website’s relevance. Quality links from authoritative and locally-relevant domains signal to search engines the credibility and importance of a website. Healthcare organisations should acquire such links to bolster their online presence and authority.

Directory Listings and Citations

Citations, often in the form of online business directory listings, are digital references that typically display a healthcare organisation’s name, address, and phone number (NAP). These citations aid Google in determining the location and relevance of a clinic, influencing its local ranking.

Online Reviews

Online reviews serve as testimonials of a clinic’s service quality. While their direct impact on SEO has been debated, their influence on potential patients’ perceptions is undeniable. A clinic’s online reputation can be significantly enhanced by positive reviews. Conversely, negative reviews, if not addressed promptly and professionally, can deter potential patients.

Behavioural Signals

Behavioural signals, such as click-through rates and time spent on a website, provide insights into user engagement levels. High engagement indicates that the website offers value to its visitors. For clinics, this can translate to a higher likelihood of converting a website visitor into a patient. Factors like mobile-friendliness, interactive features on the Google Business Profile, and regular content updates can enhance behavioural signals.


Adhering to Google’s guidelines ensures that healthcare consumers receive the information they seek. For clinics, especially those in less densely populated areas, local SEO offers a distinct advantage. By focusing on the key ranking factors, clinics can enhance their online visibility, attract more patients, and establish themselves as trusted healthcare providers in their communities.